Statement from John Keker, representing Sushovan Hussain
Sushovan Hussain is innocent of wrongdoing. He defrauded no one and, as Autonomy’s CFO, acted at all times with the highest standards of honesty, integrity and competence. He will be acquitted at trial.
It is a shame that the Department of Justice is lending its support to HP’s attempts to blame others for its own catastrophic failings. Mr. Hussain is a U.K. citizen who properly applied U.K. accounting rules for a U.K. company. This issue does not belong in a U.S. criminal court.
It’s especially galling that the Justice Department is pursuing this case on behalf of HP, a company that went out of its way to employ a web of offshore shell companies to acquire Autonomy with the specific intent of avoiding payment of U.S. taxes.
We look forward to trial.